Comments on: Decommissioning Exchange On-Premises Servers and Consolidating Email SMTP Relays Practical Office 365 News, Tips, and Tutorials Wed, 15 Nov 2023 23:15:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Allen M. Wed, 15 Nov 2023 23:15:49 +0000 Julian, We installed a 2nd Exchange server awhile back. First Exchange server is fully functional. We would like to uninstall the 2nd server. What is the best course of action? Both exchange servers point to the same virtual directories. We have three windows server 2019. One is our AD and the other two are member servers running 1st and 2nd exchange servers. Thank you.

By: Chris Fri, 11 Aug 2023 18:27:39 +0000 I am really glad I found this article! Thank you so much!

By: Julian Stephan Fri, 03 Feb 2023 04:36:38 +0000 In reply to Anders Gneib.

If you want to route through EOP as part of your Exchange Online move for external messages – then you will be in a decentralized mail flow scenario and need to point your MX record to EOP. For the external bulk campaign emails that come into your organization, you can setup a dedicated domain for bulk emails and point the MX record for this domain to your appliances which you can then relay to your gateway as you are doing today to isolate the traffic.

By: Julian Stephan Fri, 03 Feb 2023 04:36:04 +0000 If you want to route through EOP as part of your Exchange Online move for external messages – then you will be in a decentralized mail flow scenario and need to point your MX record to EOP. For the external bulk campaign emails that come into your organization, you can setup a dedicated domain for bulk emails and point the MX record for this domain to your appliances which you can then relay to your gateway as you are doing today to isolate the traffic.

By: Anders Gneib Mon, 30 Jan 2023 13:53:09 +0000 Hi
We are on Exchange 2019 which is receiving SMTP from appliances. The appliance traffic is both internal and external (mainly bulk campaigns). All external traffic is relayed to our Gateway. Soon we intend to move to M365 and external traffic be routed through EOP but the SMTP traffic from appliances (bulk camping mail) we want to keep through the Gateway – I can’t find a way to do this within Exchange and it looks like we need a Smart Host to dived local and external mail. Since we don’t want the external mail coming from the appliances to go through EOP or can this be achived in Exchange?
Br, Anders
