Tag: Active Directory

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How Quickly do Threats leak from a Compromised AD into the Cloud?

As organizations move to the cloud, on-premises environments (and their security) are put in the background as the focus shifts to the cloud. Nevertheless, most organizations I know are in a hybrid scenario where the on-premises environment holds the master data and synchronizes everything into Azure Active Directory. This blog explores how an on-premises environment is connected to the cloud and how an attacker might move from on-premises to the cloud laterally.

March 13, 2023

Heard at TEC: Hacked and Afraid – dramatic tales from AD disaster recovery scenarios

Figuring Out Recovery Strategies This session was an open panel conversation between Brian Hymer, Brian Desmond, and Patrick Ancipink, three acknowledged experts with a core focus on Active Directory. The key goal of the session was to discuss Active Directory (AD) issues, especially how to recover from them. Feedback came from the panel leaders and […]

October 11, 2022

You’ve Migrated…​ But What Did You Leave Behind?

Preparation, Preparation, and More Preparation Migrations in Microsoft 365 are a complex beast. It seems every time you feel like you have captured everything, more apps or functionalities appear. Every shiny new tool Microsoft releases is another consideration for migration teams and IT departments. Planning for migrations – tenant-to-tenant or otherwise – is a mammoth […]

September 6, 2022

Migrating On-Prem Active Directory Computer Accounts to Azure AD

In the very early Windows NT Days, we had computer accounts connected to domain controllers. This provided the early building blocks of securing data and computers in company networks.  Since then, our entire digital landscape has transformed.  With modern networking and cloud adoption across so much of our world, it makes sense for our computer accounts to make the move from on-prem Active Directory (AD) to Azure Active Directory (AAD).

September 1, 2022

Automate Exchange Hybrid Server in Azure

Running an Exchange hybrid server in Azure is easy; the challenge is cost - the savior is automation. This article covers how to automate your Exchange Hybrid server in Azure and significantly reduce the cost of running your hybrid server in Azure with basic start/stop solutions, progressing to maintenance scripts to ensure the server is kept up to date regularly. It also explores how the maintenance scripts can be expanded to cover scheduled reporting or other tasks.

April 29, 2022

Windows Laptops, Remote Work and Today’s Threat Landscape

The reality is, remote employees and working situations are here to stay. Unfortunately, many organizations have regressed in terms of endpoint security, partly due to the pandemic as well as the subsequent rush to implement remote work solutions. To help make sense of the many technologies out there and determine the best approach for your organization, this article explores different options from the traditional Active Directory domain membership with group policy management, to co-management with Configuration Manager and Microsoft Intune.

August 9, 2021