The Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync service on a Hub Transport server may fail to start at server startup, or when you manually attempt to start it.
The Test-ServiceHealth cmdlet will also advise you that the MSExchangeEdgeSync service is not running. This service is normally intended to run, even for Hub Transport servers in sites where no Edge Subscription exists.
[PS] C:\>Test-ServiceHealth Role : Hub Transport Server Role RequiredServicesRunning : False ServicesRunning : {IISAdmin, MSExchangeADTopology, MSExchangeServiceHost, MSExchangeTransport, MSExchangeTransp ortLogSearch, W3Svc, WinRM} ServicesNotRunning : {MSExchangeEdgeSync}
Event ID 1045 will also be logged to the Application event log.
Log Name: Application
Source: MSExchange EdgeSync
Date: 22/01/2013 11:41:43 PM
Event ID: 1045
Task Category: Initialization
Level: Warning
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: SRVEXCDR01.gso.internal
Initialization failed with exception: Microsoft.Exchange.EdgeSync.Common.EdgeSyncServiceConfigNotFoundException: Couldn’t find EdgeSync service configuration object for the site BranchOffice. If the configuration object doesn’t exist in the Active Directory location CN=EdgeSyncService,CN=BranchOffice,CN=Sites,CN=Configuration,DC=exchangeserverpro,DC=net, create it using the New-EdgeSyncServiceConfig cmdlet. If the object does exist, check its permissions.. If this warning frequently occurs, contact Microsoft Product Support.
The solution, as mentioned in the event log entry, is to run the New-EdgeSyncServiceConfig cmdlet in the Exchange Management Shell to create the EdgeSync service configuration object for that site.
[PS] C:\>New-EdgeSyncServiceConfig -Site BranchOffice
You may need to wait for the change to replicate in Active Directory, then you should be able to successfully start the Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync service for Hub Transport servers in that site.
It worked. Thankyou
Another note is that if I run “Get-EdgeSyncServiceConfig -Site ” from outside the server, it returns what it should. If I run that command from the server with the issue, it returns nothing. Is perhaps my best option to run a /RecoverServer installation on the server as it currently stands?
So what if there actually is an EdgeSyncService object in the site in the configuration context?
An additional note to this comment, the server having this error had its computer account reset in ADUC. I’m super not happy with the guy who did this.
Is there a way that we could remove the “Hub Transport Server Role Services” in your health check script:
As we do not have Edge Server, but “Hub Transport Server Role Services” FAILS everytime.
I have got the same error on my Exchange server. We do not have Edge server in our environment.
Should I run New-EdgeSyncServiceConfig -Site sitename to avoid this error even we do not use Edge server?
Thank you
The Real Person!
Author Paul Cunningham acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
I believe so yes, it’s been a long time since I have dealt with this issue but I think it can happen regardless of whether you’re using an Edge server.
Thanks Paul,
We recently relocated our Ex2016 DR server from one AD site to a new AD (DR) site. And, after I got Ex2016 replication up and running again, I was still seeing MS Ex2016 EdgeSync service having the issue you described. Your explanation and fix made sense and worked spot on.
Thanks again for this information. =)
I have this exact issue. The only problem is that the error refers to a site that hasn’t had an exchange server for more than 2 years now. We have Exchange servers at our DC, one CAS/HUB and the other the mailbox server. We have two other Exchange servers at remote sites wil the CAS/Hub/Mailbox roles and one of these is complaining about the missing config. I’m not quite sure how to go ahead and fix this. Any assistance will be appreciated.
Worked great, thanks!!!!
Thanks. Worked 100%. Any clue why it just removed the setting from the AD?
Cool! Worked for me as well and save my time.
Thanks! Worked like a charm!